The Weekly Dirt on Iowa Land Auction Prices – February 26-March 3, 2016

Published on Mar 9, 2016 by Peoples Company

Greetings! Land auctions in Iowa picked up from last week. There is still a very limited amount of land offered at auction. There were a total of 1,693 acres offered at auction. Of those acres, there were 1,346 tillable acres. I would describe last week’s auctions results as “stable." 

A couple highlights from last week: 480 acres sold in Worth County – in three tracts of 160 acres each – for $8,500/acre, $9,100/acre, $10,100/acre with a respective CSR/CSR2 of 88/94, 88/93, 86/89. In Lyon County, 135 acres sold for $10,300/are with CSR/CSR2 of 68/93. A recreational tract in Webster County sold for $3,350/acre and 97-acre pasture tract sold for $1,900/acre in Jefferson County. There was one “no sale” last week but was successfully negotiated after the auction.        

On Friday, March 11, Peoples Company will have an auction in Grundy Center, Iowa. This is a high-quality 160 acres. If you can’t make it to the auction, check our website or Facebook page for the results. I will be ready to comment next week on the results. 

Please check back next week to see what I will be discussing. Please check out our January auction results

Talk to you soon! 


Jim Rothermich, The Land Talker
Certified General Appraiser
Peoples Company Appraisal Team