Trivia Lovers: 4 Surprising Renewable Energy Facts

Published on Sep 26, 2023 by Kayla Rowan

1: In 1887 the first windmill used to generate electricity was invented on a farm in Ohio by Charles Brush.

The turbine was very large with a rotor diameter spanning 50 feet consisting of 144 cedar wood blades. The turbine-charged batteries were housed in the cellar of his basement and operated for 20 years. Although the turbine did not lack in size, the generator was a modest 12kw. It was subsequently discovered that faster rotations with fewer blades resulted in higher efficiency. 

While we often associate the renewable industry with modern ideas, it’s important to remember the concepts go as far back as 200 BC with the first water wheel. Innovation, technology, and process with renewable energy continues to evolve rapidly. If you are a landowner considering a renewable project on your land it is important to work with experienced professionals with your interest in mind.


2: Top 3 Wind Energy States by Capacity: Texas, Iowa & Oklahoma

Wind capacity in Texas in 2022 was 113 billion kilowatt-hours (BkWh), followed by Iowa with 44 BkWh, and Oklahoma with 37 BkWh.


3: The United States Ranks 25th in Green Energy per Capita

According to IRENA’s Renewable Capacity Statistics Data, the US ranks 25th globally for green energy per person. The US has the benefit of learning from other countries which have been successful in scaling their capacity. Significant investments have been made to ramp up production of renewable energy and the market is expanding quickly.


4: Top 4 Utility-Scale Solar Energy States by Capacity: California, Texas, North Carolina & Florida

Solar capacity in California in 2022 was 39 billion kilowatt-hours (BkWh), followed by Texas with 22 BkWh, and North Carolina and Florida each with 11 BkWh.


We hope you found this article informative. If you are a landowner looking to learn more about renewable energy, the Peoples Company Energy Management team is happy to help. Please contact and GOOD LUCK at your next Trivia night!