
Peoples Company proactively works to anticipate the needs of those in the agricultural sector and has co-authored two white papers: Socially Responsible Farmland Investment and Your Farmland and the Future, and contributed to another: Understanding the Effect of Organic Certification on U.S. Farmland Rental Values.

The Irony of the Inflation Reduction Act for the Farmland Asset Class

Dave Muth, PhD

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) was signed and became public law on August 16, 2022. There has been no shortage of political debate around whether the law would serve its namesake and broadly reduce inflation. However, it is clear the long-term policy objectives laid out in the IRA, if realized, will have significant inflationary impacts on the farmland asset class.


2022 National Land Values Report

Bruce Sherrick and Peoples Company

Peoples Company is proud to present our third annual National Land Values Report. Our 2022 report explores how rising inflation, increasing geopolitical pressures, and U.S. policies have impacted the farmland asset class as a whole and on a regional basis.


2021 National Land Values Report

Bruce Sherrick and Peoples Company

Peoples Company is proud to present this comprehensive review of farmland values. Our 2021 report contains an analysis of historical market trends, a regional breakdown of current market conditions, and an overview of recent farmland investment outcomes based on the NCREIF index.


2020 National Land Values Report

Bruce Sherrick and Peoples Company

There are very few reliable sources of data to compare land values across the country. As the financialization of farmland picks up steam, the need to evaluate various regions and asset types in agriculture is becoming more important than ever.


Socially Responsible Farmland Investment

Dr. Mike Duffy and Steve Bruere

This thought-provoking paper asserts that changing demographics is driving a trend by next-generation landowners to manage for appreciation and create sustainability through socially responsible farming.


Understanding the Effect of Organic Certification on U.S. Farmland Rental Values

Erin Leonard and Ryan Koory

Mercaris surveyed 109 certified organic landowners and renters across the country, concentrated in the Corn Belt and East Coast, about their cash rental values to determine if certified organic land values differed from conventional land values within these regions.


Your Farmland and the Future

Teresa Opheim and Steve Bruere

With around 10% of all farmland changing hands in the next few years, farm succession planning is no longer optional, it’s essential. The future of farmland ownership is set to look very different in the coming years.


Resource Stewardship Planning

Farm Journal in Partnership with USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service

The planning process — starting small but knowing where you’re going — is the bedrock of a farm’s commitment to soil and water conservation. Everything in this guide is focused on providing a path to address a problem or helping you make progress on a goal — whether that involves cropland, associated agricultural land, pasture, or livestock facilities.


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