The Weekly Dirt on Iowa Land Auction Prices - March 18-24, 2016

Published on Mar 31, 2016 by Peoples Company

Greetings! Land auctions in Iowa were down from last week due to Easter. There were a total of 1,120 acres offered at auction. Of those acres, there were 735 tillable acres. I would describe last week’s auctions results as “stable." 

Some of the highlights: An 80-acre tract in Hardin County sold for $7,400/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 78/84, and a 62-acre tract in Dallas County sold for $9,600/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 86/89. One-hundred-and-sixty acres in two tracts sold in Benton County: Tract 1-80 acres sold for $8,200/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 80/83 and Tract 2-80 acres sold for $9,400/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 83/90.

A wooded tract sold in Adams County for $2,200/acre and a pasture tract sold in Hardin County for $3,600/acre. There were no “no sales” last week. All the Realtors I visited with all said the market is holding up very well.  

Please check back next week to see what I will be discussing. Please check out our February auction results. Please make sure and hit the “like” button on Facebook.  

Talk to you soon!  

Jim Rothermich, The Land Talker
Certified General Appraiser
Peoples Company Appraisal Team