Collaboration for a Common Goal: Peoples Company Perspective Included in May 2022 Open Rivers Journal

Published on May 18, 2022 by Mollie Aronowitz, AFM

Peoples Company Land Manager, Mollie Aronowitz, was recently published in the May edition of Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community. The online journal is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing Services and the University of Minnesota Institute for Advanced Study.

The feature article also highlights the unique perspectives of three water quality leaders in Iowa: Jennifer Terry, Des Moines Water Works External Affairs Manager; Mary Beth Stevenson, City of Cedar Rapids Watersheds and Source Water Coordinator; and Ruth McCabe, Heartland Cooperative Conservation Agronomist.

Experience has taught these four women that finding common ground is critical to measurable improvement in Iowa. “The intersection of agriculture and water quality is a complex issue in Iowa, with many stakeholders at the table,” said Mollie Aronowitz. “Peoples Company realized early on that relationship building and becoming fully entrenched in the issue was critical to building a strong base of understanding.  We can now focus on what we do well as a company, and the dynamic collaborations that move to real transformation of the working landscape.”

“I am fortunate to collaborate with talented professionals like Jennifer, Mary Beth and Ruth. And it is rewarding to share our stories of success.”

To read the full article, visit: