Pandemic Cover Crop Program

Published on Jun 9, 2021 by Land Managers

If you planted a cover crop last fall, you may be eligible for a $5/acre premium benefit through your crop insurance policy. Funding is provided through the Pandemic Cover Crop Program and offered by the USDA's Risk Management Agency with the goal to help farmers maintain their cover crop systems despite the financial challenges of the past year due to the pandemic.

Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa have existing programs for producers to receive a premium benefit for planting cover crops. In these states, participating producers will receive an additional benefit.

DON'T DELAY: To take advantage of this crop insurance premium benefit, farmers must certify their fall 2021 cover crop by June 15, 2021. Call your county FSA office as soon as possible to learn more!

Check out the USDA FAQs for more information:

Farm field planted to soybeans in a no-till management system with a rye cover crop planted the previous fall.