Land Investment Monthly - August 2021

Published on Aug 1, 2021 by Steve Bruere

Photo credit: Nathan Howard/Getty Images


China is buying up American farms. Washington wants to crack down.

The push to drain China’s influence from the U.S. economy has reached America’s farm country, as congressional lawmakers from both parties are looking at measures to crack down on foreign purchases of prime agricultural real estate.

House lawmakers recently advanced legislation to that effect, warning that China’s presence in the American food system poses a national security risk. And key Senate lawmakers have already shown interest in efforts to keep American farms in American hands. Read More


Over 1,900 Acres of Crown Jewel Garst Family Farm Set for August Auction

Interest is growing in a historic family farm described as a “crown jewel” by Peoples Company and Community Insurance Agency. The eight parcels in Coon Rapids, Iowa, that are up for auction on August 17 have a lot working in their favor.

The land is being sold by the agriculturally innovative Garst family, who famously hosted Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev during the Cold War in 1959. Read More


Small-Scale Farmers Don't Have To Wipe Out Forests To Grow These Crops

Dennis Lindberg's five acres in southern Missouri don't much look like a farm. After making our way past a fence and through a thicket of pricker bushes, we're in a heavily forested area on sloping ground. All around the forest floor are smatterings of small green plants. They're intentional. These are the crops he's raising.


Lindberg grows ginseng, goldenseal and other shade-loving plants. They're used in cooking, medicines and supplements. He's one of an increasing number of farmers who are growing in forested areas to serve niche markets. Lindberg says it's possible to make a decent living this way. Read More


Biden Agriculture Chief Predicts Moderation in Food Inflation

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack predicted the jump in U.S. food prices in June will quickly moderate despite rising concern about inflationary risks in the economy.

“There are certain selective items in the grocery store folks may see for a period of time increased costs,” Vilsack said Friday in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Balance of Power” with David Westin. “We think this will even out as we begin to recover, as we begin to get the supply and demand in better balance.” Read More


Connecticut’s New Cash Crop: Hemp Farmer Ready to Grow Marijuana

From seed to sale, the entire supply chain will be regulated and licensed. From the growers, or “cultivators,” to product manufacturers, to delivery and retail stores, interested applicants will need to pay fees and meet numerous criteria, some of which – security requirements, for example -- have yet to be specified by the Department of Consumer Protection.

Applications won’t even become available until the 15-member Social Equity Council is named and makes it recommendations.

Once that happens, competition begins to see who will build this emerging market. Read More