Kyle Walker Becomes President of ASAC

Published on Dec 1, 2021 by Peoples Company

Kyle Walker, Director of Asset Management, was recently named President of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) during the group’s annual conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference dates were November 7th – 10th and consultants from across the nation attended. Walker also chaired the conference meeting committee and stated, “the annual conference is one of my favorite events of the year. It provides a great opportunity for collaboration amongst like-minded professionals and the latest agricultural related news.” Walker has been a member of ASAC since early 2017 and holds the Certified Agricultural Consultant (CAC) designation; the highest level of achievement an ASAC member can reach.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants is a non-profit organization whose members represent a diverse range of disciplines in the agriculture industry. ASAC's membership is comprised primarily of experienced consultants boasting a wide array of expertise. Their business models range from sole proprietorships to leadership roles in larger, multi-consultant organizations, which cover a wide geographical area. To learn more about ASAC, go to:

Walker was also recently named the 2021 Professional Farm Manager of the Year. This award, co-sponsored by Syngenta, Farm Journal’s The Scoop magazine and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, recognizes farm managers who display excellence in client service and a commitment to agriculture.