Eastern Washington - A Booming Blueberry Region

Published on Apr 27, 2021 by Alexi Storm

#DidYouKnow that Washington State continually ranks as one of the top blueberry-producing states in the nation? Until recently, most blueberries grown in the state were grown in Western Washington where the acidic soils closely match the blueberries’ native habitat. Today, 40% of Washington’s blueberries are now grown in Eastern Washington where the dry climate minimizes pest problems.

According to The Blueberry Coalition for Progress and Health, U.S. per capita consumption of blueberries has experienced more than a 300% increase since 2005. Accordingly, blueberry production has increased fivefold in the past 12 years, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The development of production in Eastern Washington has led to an extended early season and with the use of controlled atmosphere storage growers can ship well into October. 

Experts believe that the demand for both fresh and processed blueberries will remain high if the industry innovates with technology, new retail opportunities and exports. Consumers are increasing their preference toward superfruits, foods containing antioxidants and organics. Eastern Washington lends itself to organic production because of its ample water supply, low pest pressure and few diseases. The Philippines and China have both recently opened their markets to fresh U.S. blueberries, an effort the industry has been working on for 20 years. 

Peoples Company affiliate, AgriBusiness Trading Group, has available for acquisition an irrigated farm asset in Central Washington State approximately 30 miles East of Yakima, WA in Grant County. This area of the state is known as a prime location for growing permanent crops including orchards, berries and vineyards and this type of crop is likely the highest and best use for this asset with its abundant and reliable water source. For more information CLICK HERE.