The Dirt Talk Weekly Iowa Land Auction prices, May 27th to June 2nd, 2016

Published on Jun 3, 2016 by Peoples Company

Greetings!  There are very few land auctions are occurring in Iowa at this time.   Last week there were a total of 183 acres offered at auction, of those acres, there were 166 tillable acres.  I would describe last week’s auctions results as “good”.  

There was 150 acre tract that sold in Jasper County for $4,500/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 60/61 and another land auction in Des Moines County sold for $12,300/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 88/83. There were no “no sales” last week. 

The number of land auctions is down considerably all across Iowa for the next 30 days.  There is very limited amount of tillable land for sale and this fact is keeping the land market up despite low grain prices.   It is still my opinion if anyone is thinking of selling farmland, the sooner you bring it to the market the better. 

Keep an eye on the grain market.  Soybeans are up sharply & corn is following.  This is good for the land market.  Especially with very little land coming to the market to be sold.  Definitely a seller’s market. 

Please check back next week to see what I will be discussing.  Please check out our April auction results which we recently posted.  Finally, please make sure to “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest sale results and industry news.


Talk to you soon! 

Thanks, Jim “the Land Talker”