The Dirt Talk Weekly Iowa Land Auction prices, July 22nd to July 28th, 2016

Published on Aug 1, 2016 by Peoples Company

Greetings!  Very few land auctions are occurring in Iowa at this time.   There was a total of 864 acres offered at auction—of those 554 were tillable acres.  I would describe last week’s auctions results for the most part as “good”.  A few of the highlights from last week:

  • 159.5 acres sold in Black Hawk County in two tracts. This was an absolute auction

    • Tract 1 sold for $10,000/acre with CSR/CSR2 of 79/88

    • Tract 2 sold for $4,000/acre with CSR/CSR2 of 73/79

  • 233 acres sold in Cerro Gordo County in 3 tracts

    • Tract 1 sold for $7,800/acre with CSR/CSR2 of 69/74

    • Tract 2 sold for $4,400/acre with CSR/CSR2 of 66/65

    • Tract 3 sold for $8,300/acre with a CSR/CSR2 of 82/87

  • 384 acres sold in Hamilton County in three tracts

    • Tract 1 sold for $4,100/acre

    • Tracts 2 & 3 were combined and sold for $3,800/acre.These were recreational tracts

There were no true “no sales” last week.

As weather stays favorable and harvest gets closer, the prospect of any significant crop issues becomes weaker and weaker.  So far lower commodity prices have not showed up in land prices.   There are a couple of dry areas in the Midwest.  Markets will be very volatile next couple of weeks. 

Please check back next week to see what I will be discussing.  Please check out our June auction results.  Please make sure and hit the “like” button on Facebook. 

Talk to you soon!  Thanks, Jim “the Land Talker”