Crop Update: Favorable Planting Conditions Could Lead to High Yields Across the Midwest

Published on Jun 2, 2016 by Kyle Walker, AFM, AAC, CAC

The 2016 growing season is well underway and most growers have finished planting across the Midwest.  Favorable planting conditions in April and May have allowed for potential hefty yields later this fall. These favorable conditions included a mild spring with timely rainfall.  Each week the National Agricultural Statistics Service and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) release a Crop Progress report.  This report is based off survey data collected weekly from approximately 4,000 respondents centered in the Ag Industry.   The latest report was released on May 31st and details planting percentages, crop emergence, and soil moisture.  Please refer to the USDA's “Agency Reports”  website for future information.

I focused on the top five States concerning average corn production; Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana.  All five of these States consistently rank in the top five for soybean production as well.  See more information here:

Iowa - 99% of the 2016 corn crop has been planted at this time.  This compares to 97% in 2015 and 96% from 2011-2015.  90% of the 2016 corn crop has emerged compared to 83% from 2011 to 2015.  96% of the 2016 corn crop is rated "fair to excellent".  88% of the 2016 soybean crop has been planted compared to 76% in 2015 and 78% from 2011-2015.  55% of the current soybean crop has emerged compared to 46% from 2011-2015.  97% of row crop acres have adequate or surplus amounts of topsoil and subsoil moisture. 

Illinois - 94% of the 2016 corn crop has been planted at this time.  This compares to 99% in 2015 and 96% from 2011-2015.  87% of the 2016 corn crop has emerged compared to 86% from 2011 to 2015.  94% of the 2016 corn crop is rated "fair to excellent".  72% of the 2016 soybean crop has been planted compared to 78% in 2015 and 70% from 2011-2015.  45% of the current soybean crop has emerged compared to 47% from 2011-2015.  94-97% of row crop acres have adequate or surplus amounts of topsoil or subsoil moisture.

Nebraska - 96% of the 2016 corn crop has been planted at this time.  This compares to 93% in 2015 and 97% from 2011-2015.  78% of the 2016 corn crop has emerged compared to 82% from 2011 to 2015.  98% of the 2016 corn crop is rated "fair to excellent".  73% of the 2016 soybean crop has been planted compared to 70% in 2015 and 82% from 2011-2015.  36% of the current soybean crop has emerged compared to 49% from 2011-2015.  98% of row crop acres have adequate or surplus amounts of topsoil and subsoil moisture. 

Minnesota - 99% of the 2016 corn crop has been planted at this time.  This compares to 99% in 2015 and 92% from 2011-2015.  92% of the 2016 corn crop has emerged compared to 69% from 2011 to 2015.  98% of the 2016 corn crop is rated "fair to excellent".  95% of the 2016 soybean crop has been planted compared to 92% in 2015 and 70% from 2011-2015.  67% of the current soybean crop has emerged compared to 33% from 2011-2015.  89% of row crop acres have adequate or surplus amounts of topsoil and subsoil moisture. 

Indiana - 86% of the 2016 corn crop has been planted at this time.  This compares to 93% in 2015 and 86% from 2011-2015.  60% of the 2016 corn crop has emerged compared to 71% from 2011 to 2015.  92% of the 2016 corn crop is rated "fair to excellent".  63% of the 2016 soybean crop has been planted compared to 74% in 2015 and 66% from 2011-2015.  29% of the current soybean crop has emerged compared to 44% from 2011-2015.  88-92% of row crop acres have adequate or surplus amounts of topsoil or subsoil moisture. 

The 2016 growing season has the potential for very good yields.  Commodity prices have also increased over the last month giving farmers some much needed relief.  Anything can happen from now until harvest, but for now, revenue projections are trending black instead of red.  For more information please contact Peoples Company.  Our land managers are up to date on market conditions and regional crop analysis.