10 Breakout Sessions on Tap for Land Investment Expo 2016

Published on Jan 14, 2016 by Peoples Company

An overview of the 10 educational breakout sessions on tap for attendees of the upcoming 2016 Land Investment Expo, January 29, at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel. Learn more and register at LandInvestmentExpo.com to gain access to an array of expert keynote speakers, ag- and farmland-fueled presentations, and opportunities for networking throughout the day. This year’s comprehensive Land Expo program will cover an array of topics related to the utilization of big data and precision technology to manage farmland for both financial and environmental performance; the relationship between tenants and landowners; “real world” tips on estate planning; “ticking tax time bombs;” practical advice regarding nutrient reduction strategies; a look at South Dakota dynasties; an overview of Brazilian farmland investment opportunities; and other forward-thinking views on agriculture. We look forward to welcoming you on January 29. Save the date and reserve your tickets today.