Trump, on C-Span, Talking of Real Estate Business, Politics in Iowa

Published on Jan 12, 2015 by Peoples Company

Donald Trump, president and chair of the Trump Organization, kicks off a discussion with Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein with talk of his upcoming trip to Iowa.

Donald Trump on C-span

Rubenstein interviewed Trump at The Economic Club in Washington, D.C., with topics related to the real estate magnate’s political aspirations and business goals.

“There is a real estate dinner in Iowa done by a very, very big company – and a terrific company – and they asked me to be the keynote speaker,” Trump said. “So, I’m there for two reasons: real estate and politics.”

Trump, who is seriously considering a run for president in 2016, plans to make a decision by spring. The Land Expo takes place January 23, at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel.

There is a limited number of tickets still available. Learn more at