The Dirt on Iowa Land Auction Prices – October 9-15, 2015

Published on Oct 22, 2015 by Peoples Company

Greetings! The week of October 9-15 was not very active for land auctions in Iowa. There were 720 gross acres offered at auction. Of those acres, there were 660 acres tillable. The market still appears to be stable to strong. All of these farms had new owners except for one “no sale.” A 320-acre tract sold in Plymouth County north of $15,000 / acre. As I visit with Realtors across Iowa, I continually hear how crop yields have exceeded expectations. I think this has added an optimism this fall that was not there during the spring and summer. Especially in areas receiving too much rain. Please check back next week for the dirt on weekly land prices as it will be a fairly active one for land auctions. Meanwhile, take a look at our September auction results.

Talk to you soon! Thanks.

Jim Rothermich
Certified General Appraiser
Peoples Company Appraisal Team