2016 Land Expo: Dr. Bruce Sherrick to Present on Risk Analysis, Crop Insurance, Agricultural Finance

Published on Nov 24, 2015 by Peoples Company

Dr. Bruce J. Sherrick, Professor of Farmland Economics at the University of Illinois, will deliver a keynote presentation on January 29, during the 2016 Land Investment Expo in West Des Moines, Iowa.

He will share with Land Expo attendees a portion of his research on risk analysis, crop insurance evaluation, and the modeling of agricultural finance institutions.

Dr. Sherrick’s interests revolve around asset valuation, risk management, business control, security creation, market performance, and non-traditional financial contracts.

His scholarly work has appeared in select publications, including the Agricultural Finance Review, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, and Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Dr. Sherrick, who earned his Ph.D. with a focus on finance and marketing at Ohio State University, teaches graduate and undergraduate courses and has been recognized with a number of teaching awards in the University of Illinois’ Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics.

He is also Managing Partner of integrated Financial Analytics & Research (iFAR), a Champaign, Illinois-based consulting firm.

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