The New Farm Bill Choices - What Should I Do?

Published on Nov 27, 2014 by Peoples Company

A guest post by Paul Neiffer, CPA, of CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, on choices surrounding the new farm bill.

I had the privilege of speaking in front of a full house for Peoples Company on Monday November 3, 2014, on the new farm bill. I have given many seminars on the new farm bill this year and one of the key questions that is always asked is, “What should I do?”

I believe I answered that question in the seminar and for most Midwest corn and soybean farmers; that answer is “You should elect ARC and not PLC.” Now that may be different for certain farmers, but in general, I believe this is correct answer.

I have updated the slides to reflect changes since the November 3 seminar, and these slides contain additional information that I did not have time to present at that seminar.

Here is a link to the slides.

If you need professional help on getting your answer to “What should I do?” our firm is providing a Farm Bill Analysis service for a flat fee of $475. This analysis will answer the following questions:

  • Should I reallocate my base acres?
  • Should I update my payment yields?
  • Which program should I select among PLC, ARC-CO and ARC-IC, and why?

If you are interested in this analysis, please send me an email to