Direct Operations
Asset Management

Creating Opportunities

Emerging developments in farming technology and consumer preferences are providing opportunities for landowners to achieve premium returns. Peoples Company has developed a direct operations asset management platform to assist well-suited landowners with this opportunity. They:

  • Have an opportunity for higher asset returns
  • Control sustainability and conservation-focused management practices
  • Can leverage market trends and increase profit through crop production decisions
  • Receive financial protections through the federal crop insurance program
  • Have access to crop disaster subsidies and/or government payments

Why Now?

  • Expansion of value-add opportunities (organic, non-GMO, identity-preserved, etc.)
  • Production control supports capture of growing sustainability markets
  • Technological commoditization of ag production enables consistent operations execution
  • Rapid increase in data availability supports efficient analysis and decisions
  • Reduced rental rates in the current commodity environment


Value Added Crop Market Development

Improved asset returns increasingly depend on a farm’s market position. Peoples Company's land management platform proactively engages market trends to provide landowners with opportunities through value added crop production including organic, sustainable, and regenerative practices. Peoples Company recognizes the growing market force of transparent and sustainable supply chains, and through its direct operations platform, it can position farms to supply high-quality food brands.

This value chain integration is achieved through the development of a branded platform for value added crops while engaging in forward contracts with premium market outlets. Peoples Company is actively building new partnerships with innovative food brands around alternative crops, including legume and pulse varieties, high-protein seeds, and permanent fruit and nut crops.

Transparency in food supply chains is a key value driver for consumers, which is a growing opportunity for sustainably managed farms. By effectively bringing farms closer to the consumer, Peoples Company helps create new brands that represent positive environmental impact and stronger connections to healthy food.

To learn more about Peoples Company’s Direct Operations platform and all the services it includes, please email

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